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  • #2214386

    Batch file; kill task on remote system


    by tmalo627 ·

    If anyone can help me out here, that would be great. I have a few computers running XP Pro SP2. They are in a workgroup environment. What I am trying to do is run a batch file from one machine to kill a task on another.

    My ultimate goal is for backup purposes. We have one machine hosting a database. I want to be able to kill the applications on the other machines that are accessing those files before the scheduled backup runs.

    I am trying to run taskkill from a command line to test my syntax before I save it to a file. So far what I’ve come up with is to run
    taskkill /s l01wkst01 /u “IT Dept” /im process.exe /f /t

    I have the same IT Dept account on all computers with the same password, but I get an error message that says
    ERROR: Logon failure: unknown user nae or bad password.

    I’ve also tried to put a taskkill batch file on the client machines then use the call command from the host, but that just kills that running process on the host rather than on the machine where the taskkill batch file is.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Author
    • #2943206


      by tmalo627 ·

      In reply to Batch file; kill task on remote system


    • #2943187

      not sure…

      by —tk— ·

      In reply to Batch file; kill task on remote system

      but there might be another way of going about things… try looking into PStools from MS, there are a couple tools in there that will allow you to kill tasks on a remote machine. Lots of neat stuff, and very powerful.

      • #2943174

        Thanks, but…

        by tmalo627 ·

        In reply to not sure…

        that didn’t get it done either. I tried using both the IP address for the remote computer and its name. When I tried to connect by IP address is gave me an Access denied error; and when I tried by the name it said it couldn’t find the network path. I think that issue has more to do with name resolution though. I’ll have to check the hosts file to make sure…

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