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  • #2186609

    Desktop Admin rights


    by robin.hunt ·

    My current and most irritating peeve is developers/users insisting they MUST have Admin rights to their desktop in order to do their job. On numerous occasions, we have granted admin rights, only to turn right back around and have the user calling and complaining about their machine running extremely slow or “tons of pop-ups” appearing on their machine. As usual their desktops are inundated with spyware and erroneous software that has been downloaded and now creating problems. Upper management says they will back me on “no admin rights”, however, when a user/developer “whines” to a VP, I end up having to give them admin rights. As a result of this constant battle, I also have numerous unlicensed applications that they have installed. I’m damned if I do, and damned if I don’t. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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    • #3245975

      Reply To: Desktop Admin rights

      by sbrown95 ·

      In reply to Desktop Admin rights

      Sounds like a lack of policy. I’ve experienced the same problems as you have. My problems were resolved by policy enforcements and upper management meetings. Violation of software policies at my business now result in harsh punishment or termination. If it were up to me, all network clients would have roaming MANDATORY profiles and noone but the trained IT staff would changeor install anything. Most people unfortunately feel that the company property belongs to them to personalize as they wish. Very specific policy has to be in place in a business environment to resolve these issues so noone can say they were uninformed.

    • #3262655

      Reply To: Desktop Admin rights

      by hcetrepus ·

      In reply to Desktop Admin rights

      A policy is only as good as the willingess to enforce it. They need to have one put in place, backed by upper admin so that it’s a no brainer when someone whines.

      Perhaps documenting why the devs do not need the admin rights, what happens to the condition of the machine when they do and how your time is devoured placing things back in working order may help upper admin to see the light.

      Best of luck.

    • #3262640

      Reply To: Desktop Admin rights

      by robin.hunt ·

      In reply to Desktop Admin rights

      This question was closed by the author

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