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  • #2287298

    Exchange Server Migration


    by grace ·

    I want to migrate my current exchange 5.5 in Window Server 2000 to a new server which included exchange server 2003(in Window server 2003). What is the thing that i need to backup for my exchange and Active Directory and what is the thing that i need to consider? can anyone provide me some advice and steps to do this?

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    • #2695952

      Exchange migration

      by jeremyhoughton ·

      In reply to Exchange Server Migration

      Hey there, migrating 5.5 to 2k3 can be tricky if not done right, there is a lot of really good documentation on what you need to do, what tools to use and how to do it. The microsoft site has a good deal of things on it. If you can’t find them or are crunched for time let me know and I can help you out or get you right to them. Drop me an email.


      • #3383207

        Reply To: Exchange Server Migration

        by klbingeman ·

        In reply to Exchange migration

        my company does these migrations all the time. migration from exchange 5.5 to exchange 2003 is more complicated than we would be able to discuss in this forum. if you would like some professional help with this, email me directly.

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