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  • #2251695

    how to connect microsoft visual basic 6.0 to sql server 2000


    by kirankumar4488 ·

    explain how to connect Microsoft Visual basic 6.0 to sql sever 2000

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    • #2517780

      solution to that is

      by creative2002guy ·

      In reply to how to connect microsoft visual basic 6.0 to sql server 2000

      “Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=;Initial Catalog=

      • #2645071

        Regarding Access to Sqlserver

        by muthu19485 ·

        In reply to solution to that is

        We hav developed a software with VB6.0 as frontend and access2000 as a backend.
        And now am interested to convert the database access to sql sever2000.For that wat are the steps I have to do?

        • #2644873

          Depends on the app.

          by tony hopkinson ·

          In reply to Regarding Access to Sqlserver

          First as posted simply change the connection string.

          Then test, see if you’ve got any access specific non standard SQL

          How easy that is depends on how modular your code is.

          Then potentially ( almost certainly) optimise.
          Generally when scaling a desktop backend to a full DBMS, your problem areas will be
          locking, transaction isolation and it being dog slow because you did a lot of the data processing in code instead of in the database.
          How much work the above is depends on way too many factors, in my experience having done this sort of thing several times it always turns out to be a lot more management hoped.

        • #2805787


          by sanjay_nccb ·

          In reply to Regarding Access to Sqlserver


    • #2482458

      Download the Resume

      by krg_b ·

      In reply to how to connect microsoft visual basic 6.0 to sql server 2000

      Download the Resume

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