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  • #2186758

    Individual intellectual property does’nt exist


    by gunnar klevedal ·

    Individual intelectual property does not exist.
    We are all standing on the shoulders of Giants.

    I am alive.
    Just like a child, like a flower, like a tree I want to grow.
    But I don’t want to expand too fast, and get thinner and thinner than air.
    My body has stopped growing, not my mind, getting old and tired though.

    You wanna grow.
    You can grow with me, you can suppress me, you can abandon me.

    I AM my mind.
    You can never see my mind, you can never BE my mind.

    My ideas ARE my mind.
    I give them to you, and my name.

    You can take them to you or throw them away.
    You can make them part of YOUR mind.

    You can let my name follow my ideas, or just drop it.

    My ideas are ME. If I give them to YOU, and to YOU, and to YOU , they might live on when I am gone. My name might and might not go with them.

    Do I own them? Depends. I started out as one unique cell with no brains, no thoughts, no nothing, but genes and life. Do I OWN them?

    With money, power and legal rights, it seems to be the other way round.


    Gunnar Klevedal

All Comments

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    • #3243499


      by dr dij ·

      In reply to Individual intellectual property does’nt exist

      you have some better arguments than apotheon.

      sounds just like the hippie utopia argument where info and free love flow like honey. till the commune next door puts an anthraxed pig in your well after you steal their apples.

      • #3243492

        I don’t want to be rich (with money)

        by gunnar klevedal ·

        In reply to Maybe

        I don’t want to be famous either, but I want to be recognized for what I do well.

        And a salary raise of , say, 100$ would be welcome too.

        Otherwise I am doing all right.

        • #3243431

          That’s not likely

          by dr dij ·

          In reply to I don’t want to be rich (with money)

          if everyone is free to take whatever works you did and resell them.

        • #3260614

          Open source

          by gunnar klevedal ·

          In reply to That’s not likely

          I have a salary job. The projects I do on my spare time are open source, and the users can easily modify them, even take my name away, if they chose to do so.

          With open source the risks for logical bombs are lesser.

          Gunnar Klevedal

      • #3260624

        One hippie I knew…..

        by gunnar klevedal ·

        In reply to Maybe

        One hippie I knew…..

        was a very good banjo player.


    • #3243469

      Beg to differ

      by jamesrl ·

      In reply to Individual intellectual property does’nt exist

      Intellectual theft is still theft.

      When someone in China uses the Harry Potter name and charecters to create a new Harry Potter book, they are trading illegally and immorally on someone else’s intellectual property. The same can be said for music, art etc., as well as “business” intellectual property like software or other inventions of the mind.

      If you chose to let your work be free, go for it. If I chose to charge for my intellectual property, then let me, and respect my choice.


      • #3260608

        If you can sell it, then sell it.

        by gunnar klevedal ·

        In reply to Beg to differ

        If you can sell it, then sell it.


    • #3245429

      Not going here again

      by tony hopkinson ·

      In reply to Individual intellectual property does’nt exist

      We did this one recently, finished up as name calling, need a new slant on the argument and this isn’t it.

      • #3260629

        So you ain’t comming back…

        by gunnar klevedal ·

        In reply to Not going here again

        So you ain’t comming back…

        I copied and pasted the old discussion into MS Word, so I could read it at home. I got the hourglass for several hours but nothing more.

        If You read my post carefully, You might find a new slant.

        At least You’ll find this discussion more manageable.


    • #3245615

      Yes, you own your genes

      by absolutely ·

      In reply to Individual intellectual property does’nt exist

      But more importantly, you own your ideas, and I own mine. Some are certainly borrowed, adapted or even copied verbatim from others, but as long as I paid the price set by the copyright owner it is my right to do with those ideas as I please. The ones unique to you might be inventions or innovations of some kind. Within those, there may or may not be a subset that are profitable. Either way, you own them, and I own mine.

      More important still, I own my life in its entirety. Every moment to the smallest possible fraction of a second. I exercise my intellect for the same reason I exercise my body: my own good. And I offer my productive mental ability for the same purpose that I used to pursue with mindless manual labor: money. If you have no interest in protecting your own right to profit from the use of your intelligence and prefer to survive only by taking orders from an employer who has discovered all the answers for you, you are entitled to try that approach, and see how well it works for you. But if you want to make the case that intellectual property is not useful, get yourself to a wilderness, preferrably in the African savannah where the first fossils of our species were found, leave behind every invention that you did not personally discover, and ask whether other people’s ideas are not worth the small price of patents, copyrights, and “unequal” distribution of wealth. Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb so that he could be forgotten and impoverished regardless. Nor did Isaac Newton explain gravity without offer of payment in return. Do you think Louis Pasteur would have told anyone about germs had he lived in terror for his life among savages who claimed that his life was not his but a favor extended according to the whims of the tribe?

      Where do YOU draw the line?

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