
  • Creator
  • #2216534

    Server, Service & Application Inventory Software


    by tonio ·


    We are looking for a software application (off the shelf or preferably open source) in which we can keep an inventory of servers and the services/applications installed on them. We would like to also keep track of various server level and application or service level user accounts and passwords. For e.g. we might have a linux server which we would want to inventorize and keep track of the Operating System user accounts (e.g. root password, user passwords, etc) as well as top -level user accounts for the installed applications.

    We also would like to keep track of the versions of the installed application and who is the administrator of the application or server.

    We are also interested in keeping track of user accounts on network devices such as switches, print servers, printers, access points, etc.

    Do you know of any application which can acheive this task?

    Thanks in advance

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