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  • #2326394



    by robointx ·

    A win2k OS has a Guest user with strict limits on everything. Which is what I want for my teenager.
    However I want to provide internet access and am getting an access denied from Remote Access Connection Mng Service.

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    • #3664885


      by neal2002 ·

      In reply to usser/permissions

      A quick way to do this would be to login as administrator and add the guest account to the administrator group. Login as guest and configure what you want them to access, like the internet. Next login as administrator and remove the guest account from the administrators group. However, I recommend setting up a user account for your teenager that has the strict limits that you want them to have. Using the administrative tools go to user and groups and setup an account for your teen and grant or deny access to what you want them to access. You may want to setup a teen group to manage this. Once you set this up login as your teen and test it out. You are going to have to do some homework and testing to do this. W2K help is the first place to look for info on setting up user and group accounts, and for setting up permissions and security.

      • #3602962


        by robointx ·

        In reply to usser/permissions

        Yes thank you; but what the options to consider!

    • #3602961


      by robointx ·

      In reply to usser/permissions

      This question was closed by the author

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