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  • #2293398

    VB: Display 3-D text in your program


    by maryweilage ·

    This week’s Visual Basic e-newsletter explains how to display 3-D text in your program. Does this tip provide information that will be useful in your development environment?

    Also, please let us know what topics you’d like to see us cover in future editions of the Visual Basic e-newsletter.

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    • #2736906

      Cool, but why do I need to click twice?

      by rayhaimson ·

      In reply to VB: Display 3-D text in your program

      I copied your code into a project and the 3D effect is cool. But it doesn’t show up until I click the button a second time. I tried adding a me.Refresh & a Do Events, but it did no good. What would I need to do to use this on form load?

      • #2736867

        3-D text

        by peter ·

        In reply to Cool, but why do I need to click twice?

        If you entered the code properly the text will show up with only one click of the button.

        To use this technique in Form_Load you must set the form’s AutoRedraw property to True. You should do this anyway to make the text persistent (so it will not disappear if the form is covered then uncovered).

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