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  • #2264359

    Watchguard unable to retrieve the external network IP address


    by dontknowwhatimdoing ·

    Hi all.

    I need help. I recently purchased a used Watchguard SOHO 6 and am unable to connect to the internet. Here is some information.

    1. We have a static IP address.
    2. Able to access internet with a Netgear firewall/router.
    3. Cable connection.
    4. Verified IP, subnet, gateway, and dns with ISP
    5. Called ISP (Cox) and went through troubleshooting steps with them, including switching to DHCP and verifying the IP address. No IP address found.
    6. Took the Watchguard to the house, plugged in and it worked fine. Was able to access the internet (DHCP). Different ISP but same cable modem (Motorola).
    7. ISP thinks that the problem is in the Watchguard even though it worked fine with another ISP.

    Since the firewall is used, I would have to pay for instigating a service with Watchguard and I am trying to avoid that if possible. We are a small office with a very limited budget.

    This problem does not make any sense to me at all.


    Thank you in advance.

    Allan Johnston

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