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  • #2171689



    by itsys_pro ·

    I have a window server 2008 server which is a domain controller however, I cannot put any client computers on to that domain: I get the following error (please see screenshots).

    NOTE: The ISP (cablevision) didnt provide a static ip address so if you look at the wireless router configuration everything is on dynamic and ONLY DHCP IS ENABLE ON WIRELESS


    All I want to do is point the DNS to the server (look at screenshots)
    Installed DHCP Server (but which ip ranges I need to put there) I assume if DHCP is installed successfully on the server than I would go the wireless router config and uncheck DHCP from the router?

    I have been working on this for a quite bit long now. I can use all the professional help on this so I can resolved this issue.

    here are all the screenshots:

    Here is the topology for the office:
    ISP Modem

    Wireless Net gear router is connected to the ISP Modem
    In the Wireless router: The server and the client computer is connected to it.
    There is a switch connected to the wireless router as well and there is only printer/copier connected to the switch (thats all)..

    Server Side:

    Windows Server 2008
    DNS is installed (but the dns event is giving errors please refer to the screenshots)
    AD is installed
    Network Policy and Access Service is installed and enable as well

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      Repost in the Q&A section

      by Wizard57M-TR ·


      Try re-posting in the Q&A
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