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  • #2211090

    "Off-topic (non-IT) discussions should go ’round the water cooler."


    by santeewelding ·

    Big fiction. And, a phenomenal flop.

    Again and again — not only past, but now — “Information Technology” is a fig leaf. It’s one percent. Ninety-nine percent of TR is naked, and you are a voyeur with a voice.

All Comments

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    • #2846685

      Nuttin’ but fig leaves,

      by boxfiddler ·

      In reply to "Off-topic (non-IT) discussions should go ’round the water cooler."

      since the first one. 😉

      • #2846673

        If life gives you fig leaves…

        by ansugisalas ·

        In reply to Nuttin’ but fig leaves,

        make dolmades.

        • #2846672

          Okay, MF

          by santeewelding ·

          In reply to If life gives you fig leaves…

          That’s the second time today I’ve had to resort to an online dictionary.

        • #2846671
          Avatar photo

          Santee it’s good to know

          by hal 9000 ·

          In reply to Okay, MF

          That you have a Dictionary and you know how to use it even if it is a Online one. :p


        • #2846669

          Don’t need a dictionary for dolmades…

          by ansugisalas ·

          In reply to Santee it’s good to know

          just a cook-book 😀
          The traditional is with grape leaves, but I hear the fig leaf dolmades are an excellent variation.

        • #2846668

          Truth be known

          by santeewelding ·

          In reply to Santee it’s good to know

          I have the two-volume Shorter OED, a Merriam Webster, and assorted other references above and just beyond my physical reach (I have to get out of my chair, stand up, and fetch them). This has come about after a thoroughgoing revamping of my physical circumstances — not a thing for anyone to be concerned about, given the tumult in personal lives we have been treated to by others here. Some of that tumult has been downright nail-biting. Mine is minor by comparison.

          So, the physical reference works, which I much prefer — a minor irritant — are at the moment inconveniently out of my reach. I will cure it in time, when I get around to it. When I do, watch out.

        • #2846662
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          Well I always say

          by hal 9000 ·

          In reply to Truth be known

          No point in doing anything now when you can procrastinate around for a year or 2.


        • #2846639

          Weights and balances…

          by ansugisalas ·

          In reply to Truth be known

          Make the shelf respond to a pull string, descending the wall to your convenience, ascending again when given the nod.

        • #2846609


          by santeewelding ·

          In reply to Santee it’s good to know

          I came across it today in, [i]Reading the OED; one man, one year, 21,730 pages[/i]. I thought HAL might have use for it. The author, Ammon Shea, puts it thus:

          “Empleomania (n.) [i]A manic compulsion to hold public office.[/i]”

          “I would suggest that anyone who, in this day and age, is stricken with the urge to hold public office is deserving of this diagnosis, and should immediately be banned for life from ‘serving’ the public in any capacity that requires more responsibility than that of a hot dog vendor.”

        • #2846601
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          Guilty as Charged

          by hal 9000 ·

          In reply to Empleomania

          I fully agree. 😉


        • #2846595

          It’s true, too

          by ansugisalas ·

          In reply to Guilty as Charged

          Who in their right mind would want to hold a [i]pubic orifice[/i]?

          Here’s a counterpresent: How to flip off the foreign, in their own (sign) language !

        • #2846498

          Okay okay…

          by jck ·

          In reply to Guilty as Charged

          Who wants to look under my IT fig leaf? ]:)

    • #2846670
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      OK Santee I just can not let this one go by

      by hal 9000 ·

      In reply to "Off-topic (non-IT) discussions should go ’round the water cooler."

      [i]It’s one percent. Ninety-nine percent of TR is naked, and you are a voyeur with a voice.[/i]

      The Voice of Personal Experience there is it?


      • #2846667

        I speak

        by santeewelding ·

        In reply to OK Santee I just can not let this one go by

        From none other than personal experience, and with a little help from friends.

        • #2846661
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          OK then I understand

          by hal 9000 ·

          In reply to I speak

          But can you tell me why you shared so much of your personal information with the new member who you _Pissed Off? :^0

          It took ages to mark all of that spam. But I did learn a lot of new things about the Demented Welder that I know. :p

          Col 0:-)

        • #2846579

          I think those were likely

          by ansugisalas ·

          In reply to OK then I understand

          logic bombs
          Poor unsuspecting spammyfoo, now he knows things man was not supposed to know.
          Already the nosebleed begins, soon… the tentacles!

    • #2846638

      what a horrible way to wake up

      by purpleskys ·

      In reply to "Off-topic (non-IT) discussions should go ’round the water cooler."

      i just wanna check in and do a bit of reading and what do i see but this stupid V guy being an idiot all over TR. Santee, buddy, what hath thou done to intice such a reaction from one soul. I’m thinking I have missed part of the happenings as a lot of the water cooler discussions have dropped off and I can’t seem to find them.

      I hope I got all of them as I spent the last 15 minutes marking his idiotic remarks as spam. Now, if I could just find the “brat” I would deliver a much needed spanking and send him to bed without his supper. 😀

    • #2846600

      The "V" person in question should not be aloud the "V" sign..

      by peconet tietokoneet ·

      In reply to "Off-topic (non-IT) discussions should go ’round the water cooler."

      He should be given the “BOOT” sign right up his posteria.
      santeewelding, do not let any person currupt your intelligence that way you stay ahead of them and their knowledge, they will get peeved off and not you. Keep up your good work though you bring a smile to me when i see you having ago with all the jargan. I have to keep my dictionaries up to date because of you. Stay cool, stay wise. 🙂

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