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  • #2204729

    Subnets and virus


    by curtisnpcs ·

    Can a virus/trojan/etc. travel between subnets?
    We have a few “internet fools” who will download almost anything. If I set up our office to create a subnet per department, will this reduce the exposure for other subnets if someone downloads a virus?


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    • #3023192

      a lot will depend on the virus and how it propogates

      by deadly ernest ·

      In reply to Subnets and virus

      sub-netting alone will NOT stop every virus from moving about, it will stop some that jump using IP addresses as basis, but most don’t do that. However, should you establish anti-virus checking on ALL data transfers between sub-nets, you will cut out most of them.

      The best way is to stop them getting in the system to begin with, scan (with up to date AV software) ALL data entering the system, by email, internet, and data download – both external and internal.

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