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  • #2163604

    What is the best network monitoring tool?


    by mitcham ·

    I manage a Windows network and mostly use a
    slew of tools to monitor activity on the
    network. It’s starting to be a pain. Can anyone
    recommend a good all-in-one tool that will let

    -See what workstations are currently logged in
    to the domain
    -What user is on each workstation
    -Each workstation’s current IP address

    One other thing: In Vista, I cannot see each
    workstation’s “Description” like I used to be
    able to see in XP. This is when you click on
    “Network” and it lists all the workstations on
    the network. Our company names each workstation
    with MEI-Serial# then puts the employee’s name
    in the description. The description shows up
    just fine when viewing “My Network Places –>
    Entire Network –> Microsoft Windows Network —
    > Domain”, but in Vista when you click
    “Network” from the start menu, there is no
    option to see the “Description”.


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