VoIPHow to Start Working as a Call Center Agent From Home
A dependable call center agent is always in demand. Learn how to find remote work, show your qualifications, and start working from home.
A dependable call center agent is always in demand. Learn how to find remote work, show your qualifications, and start working from home.
Discover the key differences between Google Calendar tasks versus events, and learn how to use each feature effectively in your workflow.
Unlock the latest user interface, enhanced security features, and new tools for hybrid and remote workers.
A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts your internet traffic and protects your online privacy. Find out how it works and why you should use it.
DECT is a reliable and secure technology that’s still widely used today. Learn about this wireless Bluetooth alternative and when to use it.
The Australian Computer Society offers key recommendations for tackling Australia’s tech skills shortage and boosting the nation’s digital workforce.
Controlling services in Linux doesn't have to be a confounding experience. Here's how the process works and why it is often seen as an overly complicated task.
IVR is one of the most elegant tools businesses have to manage calls. Learn the basics and how it can help you serve customers better.
In this episode of Top 5, we dive deep into the exciting features, updates, and enhancements that Zoho People will offer in 2024.
Australian companies are tightening tech spending, prioritizing growth over innovation. Discover insights from the 2024 Datacom Annual Cloud Report.
Courses for aspiring entrepreneurs and social enterprises to guide you from great ideas to business success.
TechRepublic Premium content helps you solve your toughest IT issues and jump-start your career or next project.
ChatGPT search will draw from news media partners through deals with OpenAI. OpenAI says “context” will differentiate it from Google Search.
You deserve to know who's calling. Learn how to trace a VoIP call on your own, and involve law enforcement if that’s what it takes.
Fixed VoIP numbers aren’t as cheap as non-fixed lines, but for some companies, the benefits massively outweigh the extra cost and complexity.
Russian hackers, known as Midnight Blizzard, launch targeted spear-phishing on U.S. officials, exploiting RDP files to gain access to data.
Non-fixed VoIP is cheaper than a fixed line — and in these five situations, fixed-VoIP performs better, too.
Power shortages are a top concern for global data centre companies, but meeting their electricity demands will also be bad news for the environment.
A passkey is a security measure used to grant access to a protected system. This guide explains how it works, and provides more information on its uses and benefits.