Screenshots: Create your own Wi-Fi hotspot with the help of these five free tools
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Whether you want tornshare a wired connection with your friends or just link multiple devices to arnsingle Ethernet connection, having your own portable Wi-Fi hotspot can come inrnhandy. Here are five free applications that can turn your own PC into a Wi-Firnhotspot to share its internet connection.
Note: This gallery is also available as an article.
Free WiFi Hotspot
Free WiFi Hotspot is a basicrntool for sharing your Wi-Fi hotspot. Its only real configurationrnoptions are the hotspot name (the SSID) and password.
Free WiFi Hotspot
After entering this information, you simply selectrnyour network connection and click Start to begin sharing. When you’re finished,rnyou can terminate the connection by clicking the Stop button.

Virtual WiFi Router
Virtual WiFi Router
Virtual WiFi Router also offers an option to see which devices arernconnected.

Winhotspot WiFi Router
Winhotspot WiFi Router
You can also monitor upload and download bandwidthrnand see which clients are connected to your network. There is also an auto runrnoption and a safe mode option.
This tool lets you specify your hotspot’s SSID, password,rninternet source, and maximum number of clients, and it provides detailedrninformation about bandwidth usage and device connectivity.
My WiFi Router
My WiFi Router takesrnthings to the next level. In addition to letting you share an internetrnconnection with your friends, it has built-in video sharing capabilities.
My WiFi Router
My WiFi Router alsornhas some nice extras, such as automatic conflict detection and the ability tornprevent your PC from going to sleep when the Wi-Fi hotspot is activated. Therernis even a power-off timer you can use if you want to provide limited internetrnconnectivity.
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