WebXact Pty Ltd Subsidiary of LogicalTech WorkXact: Reliable and Scalable Hosting Platform Helps Software Specialist Capture New Markets
The Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV) wanted an on-line courseware tool to help train builders how to develop estimates, turn estimates into quotes and then turn the quote into a complete works schedule. They needed it to be secure, extremely reliable and rapidly scalable to meet both fluctuating student demand and subscription models. WorkXact, a subsidiary of LogicalTech, used its experience from the enterprise market and input from MBAV training groups to develop a Web-based application called WebXact. This is offered as an online Software as a Service for MBAV students hosted on the Windows Azure platform. With a 99.99% uptime service level agreement, self-managed scalability and per-user charging, WebXact can provide a cost-effective service and subscribers have virtually 24-hour, security-controlled access.