10 Ways to Make Sure You and Your Clients See Eye to Eye (Free Download)
It can be frustrating when you and your clients are at odds with one another. It happens for many reasons, and when it does, you run the risk of losing the client. Obviously, consultants aren’t in the business of LOSING clients. The goal is to make them as happy as possible. But there are times when meeting a client half way becomes more than a challenge. The best way to nip this in the bud? Make sure you and your clients are always on the same page. Find out how in this TechRepublic Premium guide by Jack Wallen.
Featured text from the download:
3: Take control of documentation
Documentation should be a two-way street. It’s not. Documenting jobs — and this means passwords, usernames, addresses, etc., — will inevitably fall in your lap. You’re going to have clients who NEVER can remember their usernames and passwords. Retain the documentation so you can refer to it and keep those clients happily working. The day you tell a client it is their job to retain their passwords (even though it actually is) is the day you lose sight of the bigger picture.
Enhance your client relationships with our six-page PDF. This is available to download for FREE. Get access to more content with a Premium annual subscription. Use the code 25off-trp to get a 25% discount.
TIME SAVED: Crafting this content required 12 hours of dedicated writing, editing, research, and design.
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