Nextcloud Hub: User tips (free PDF)

Nextcloud has evolved from a tool that can be installed and expanded with a number of applications, to an out-of-the-box, one-stop shop collaboration suite.

The Nextcloud developers have unleashed one of their most significant upgrades to their on-premises cloud hosting platform: Nextcloud Hub.

Once installed, Nextcloud Hub includes built-in video chat, OnlyOffice integration, and so much more–out of the box. Admins will no longer have to install or connect to a separate OnlyOffice server. That’s big news for anyone who’s taken the time to add business-grade collaboration to the Nextcloud platform. Open source now has a seriously robust and user-friendly web-based office groupware suite.

Learn more about Nextcloud Hub and user tips and tricks in this free PDF download from TechRepublic.

In the download:

  • Nextcloud evolves into Nextcloud Hub to better meet your company’s needs
  • How Nextcloud Hub can help you work from home
  • How to connect ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors to your Nextcloud server
  • How to enable 2FA for groups in Nextcloud
  • How to enable 2FA on a per-user basis in Nextcloud
  • How to create data reports in Nextcloud Hub
  • And more!

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