Robotic process automation: A cheat sheet (free PDF)

Robotic process automation does exactly what its name implies: It uses robots to automate basic workflows, saving humans the time it would normally take to do predictable, repetitive tasks on a computer.

At its most basic level, RPA isn’t any different than any other form of automation, which generally aims to figure out which human tasks could be done by a robot and then designs the robot needed to do the task. RPA approaches automation from a different angle: The graphic user interface (GUI) of modern desktop software.

Learn more about robotic process automation in this free PDF download from TechRepublic.

In the download:

  • What is robotic process automation?
  • What are potential uses of robotic process automation?
  • Is robotic process automation practical for today’s businesses?
  • How will robotic process automation affect jobs?
  • Who are the major robotic process automation software vendors?
  • How do you get started with robotic process automation?

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