10 Traits to Look for When Hiring a Field Engineer (Free Download)

If you own, manage, run, or work within a consultancy firm, or you’re a large company that makes use of field engineers, you know how hard it is to find good help. But with a little bit of forethought and a solid understanding of just what qualities make for a good field engineer, hiring a new employee can always be a win.

Jack Wallen, writing for TechRepublic Premium, looks at 10 traits that make for the best combination of field engineers and employees.

    Featured text from the download:

    7: Thrilled (but not obsessed) with tech

    You want your engineers to enjoy technology, otherwise, you might have to question why they bothered becoming engineers in the first place. But you do not want them to be obsessed with technology. Anyone who has ever done any hiring knows a well-rounded person is almost always a better fit within a company than a single-minded, one-trick pony. If job candidates come in looking lost without a keyboard under their fingers, think twice about hiring them. Yes, it is good to have a healthy relationship with technology. But the minute that relationship becomes an obsession, things are going to get a bit strange. Such candidates may have trouble relating to clients or fitting in with other employees, and they could easily suffer from a severe lack of social skills, which could be a disaster in the field.

Boost your recruitment process with our seven-page PDF. This is available to download for FREE. Get access to more content with a Premium annual subscription. Use the code 25off-trp to get a 25% discount.

TIME SAVED: Crafting this content required 14 hours of dedicated writing, editing, research, and design.

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TechRepublic Premium
November 17, 2024
TechRepublic Premium

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