10 great tips to boost your iOS 11 productivity (free PDF)

Bug fixes and native apps aren’t the only things that get modified with iOS updates—Apple’s developers often include under-the-hood functionality and frameworks that enhance how you can interact with their devices. Here are 10 cool tricks you may not have run across yet.

From the ebook:

Leverage Spotlight for everything
Spotlight works much like it does in macOS—it catalogs all the files on your device to allow for quick and easy search results when needed. Among the files inventoried are apps, emails, and contacts—basically, everything on your iOS device.

Perform a pull-down swipe mid-screen, and the search prompt will appear. Simply start to type a keyword or a term that best matches what you’re looking for. The search results will change dynamically as you type additional letters to narrow the search.

This comes in handy if you keep all your applications sorted into organized folders or you have pages of unsorted apps. Pulling up a specific app (or document, keyword, etc.) can be exponentially faster and easier than scanning each folder or scrolling through pages to locate it.

Request Desktop Site instead of mobile version
One of the biggest boons to mobile technology is having access to the internet in our pockets anytime, anywhere. Apple laid much of the groundwork for moving technology to this point, where we could essentially load a full website on Safari—even making it one of its initial selling points back in 2007.

Since then, websites have evolved, and many sites have mobile versions designed to adapt to the size of the screen they’re being loaded on. Whether it’s a 5-inch screen from an iPhone or a screen twice that size on an iPad Pro, websites will look the same no matter what. That’s smart, right? Certainly.

However, it’s problematic when a mobile site is a shell of its desktop version. So iOS developers created a way to request the desktop version of the website when necessary. Just press and hold down the refresh button until Request Desktop Site appears at the bottom of the screen. Tap that selection, and the site will reload with the full desktop version.

Use 3D Touch for Trackpad navigation
Apple has done an admirable job of creating an easy-to-use interface for typing or entering text into fields, but let’s face it—mistakes happen. Sometimes those mistakes can be easily corrected by tapping and holding the cursor where we need to fix the error—but other times, we require a bit more precision control over the cursor, similar to when using a mouse. Since that’s not a connectivity option, using the 3D Touch functionality to press and hold any letter down will invoke the Trackpad function and provide that precision while editing text.

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