Full Steam Into the Age of Safe Modern Working (German)

The new age of decentralized work has brought some companies surprising productivity increased of up to 13%. But many companies are still struggling to secure their suddenly created network of decentralized end devices and IT resources against cyber threats.

Strengthen your line of defense now. Read the new e-book Full Steam Into the Age of Safe Modern Working for the latest ideas from Comline Computer + Software Solutions SE and Microsoft and gain a valuable head start in view of the rapidly changing threats in the decentralized world of work. Find out what’s important, what questions to ask yourself, and what security priorities are important to keep your network safe.

You will also find quick instructions for implementation:

  • Get an overall picture of your security situation in order to identify possible threats and opportunities.
  • Put your decentralized employees at the center of your new strategy for workplace safety.
  • Improve your security responsiveness so you can cope with the growth and complexity of threats.
  • Avoid new threats from “shadow IT”, phishing attacks and other widespread security holes.
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