IoT: Major threats and security tips for devices (free PDF)

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are everywhere now, and some estimates say there will be 41.6 billion IoT devices in the field by 2025, with over $1 trillion spent on them by 2023.

This will have drastic implications on security as IoT devices are widely known for being woefully insecure and ripe for attack by cybercriminals looking for a way inside systems.

This free PDF downloand from TechRepublic explores, which tactics hackers are using to get unauthorized access to a company’s data and what security teams can do to protect it.

In the download:

  • IoT security, neglected infrastructure, and a crisis of trust deemed major threats for 2022
  • IoT is a gold mine for hackers using fileless malware for cyberattacks
  • New botnet attack “puts other IoT botnets to shame”
  • 7 security tips for IoT systems
  • IoT device security: 5 tips for enterprises

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Internet of Things