Artificial intelligence and IT: The good, the bad, and the scary (TechRepublic Premium)
This archived TechRepublic Premium report, originally published in September 2015, is available for free to registered TechRepublic members. For all the latest research reports, 100+ ready-made policies, IT job descriptions, and more, check out TechRepublic Premium.
From the report:
As AI advances, it has become apparent that there are some things machines are better at doing than humans are, but humans still have plenty of advantages. AI still doesn’t possess the deep-thinking skills or planning capacity which can replace experienced workers in complex fields. Those limitations won’t remain for long, however; a ZDNET article in August 2015 listed “The first 10 jobs that will be automated by AI and robots.” Assembly line workers, field technicians, data entry workers, sales representatives and food service employees were among those whose careers were considered endangered by AI.
Are humanity and the machines going to work in concert to deliver a more powerful future for IT and the human race? Or will humans wind up subservient to AI, replaced by evolutionary technology and rendered second-class citizens by their own creation? How can we ensure the first result and avoid the second scenario? TechRepublic Premium developed an online survey on the topic to find out. Our survey was conducted in July 2015 and, as the number of diverse comments from the 534 respondents will show, harvested a wealth of opinions and observations on the subject.
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