ESG Flexible IT Models Drive Efficiency and Innovation eBook

ESG conducted an online survey about a broad range of IT environment characteristics at their organizations, including data center infrastructure.

To gather data for this report, ESG conducted a comprehensive online survey of IT decision makers knowledgeable about the devices, data management tools, and data center infrastructure in use at their organizations.

The survey was conducted between December 8, 2020 and December 31, 2020. All respondents were distributed among North America (35%), Europe (28%), the Asia Pacific region (23%), and Latin America (15%) and employed at midmarket organizations (i.e., those with 100-999 employees, 21%) and enterprises (i.e., those with 1,000+ employees, 79%). Both public and private sector organizations were represented. All respondents were provided an incentive to complete the survey in the form of cash awards and/or cash equivalents.

After filtering out unqualified respondents, removing duplicate responses, and screening the remaining completed responses (on a number of criteria) for data integrity, we were left with a final total sample of 2,000 professionals.

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