Research: How big data is driving business insights in 2017
In July and August 2017, TechRepublic Premium surveyed IT professionals about how their companies collect business insights, what data they’re collecting, and how useful and actionable these insights are. This research report contains the findings from that survey.
Here are some key points in the report:
- The majority of respondents (61%) are not using a big data solution to collect insights.
- Over half (59%) of companies not using a big data solution are using another method of collecting insights.
- Regardless of collection method, product improvements and consumer preferences are the two insights most commonly gleaned from collected data.
- More than half of companies consider their systems good, very good, or excellent at generating business insights.
- Acting on data collection is of average difficulty for almost half of companies – but easy or very easy for nearly one third of them.
This report contains more detailed results and analysis. To read it, download the full report, Research: How big data is driving business insights in 2017. And to learn more about enterprise big data trends, check out this ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature.
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