The rise of Agile IT: Benefits, drawbacks, and analysis (TechRepublic Premium)
This archived TechRepublic Premium report, originally published in September 2015, is available for free to registered TechRepublic members. For all the latest research reports, 100+ ready-made policies, IT job descriptions, and more, check out TechRepublic Premium.
From the report:
The trademark of successful IT has always been rooted in flexibility and evolution. While many of the methods in which we use technology have remained fairly static – entering, processing and reviewing data on fixed or portable devices– the concepts and techniques behind them have grown vastly in breadth and complexity. Cloud computing, big data, virtualization, the Internet of Things and mobility have brought sweeping change to IT departments which have kept up with the times… times which are in turn seeing an ever-increasing pace of change.
Rapid progress in the technology spectrum has meant that traditional IT projects are changing as well. Businesses are seeing a need to move towards an IT environment that is no longer focused on large complex projects but oriented towards shorter, more sustainable efforts to drive change and flexibility. This is known as “Agile IT.” The goal is to promote efficiency, agility and innovation to enable IT departments to stay ahead of – and help promote – the rapid pace of dynamic change.
TechRepublic Premium conducted its own survey on Agile IT in September 2015. We gathered input on how IT projects were completed or were underway at respondent companies. We also sought to establish whether Agile IT is something companies are engaged in or considering and whether it makes sense for businesses and careers. Participants shared their experiences, observations and views on project work and the subject of Agile IT as well as how it applied to them. This report is the result of that data.
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