5 Tips for Acing a Job Interview (Free Download)
Whether you are fresh out of school or trying to restructure your career, the job interview is one area you must learn to nail. Without a solid interview, you’ll be lucky to get a second look from any company.
Jack Wallen, writing for TechRepublic Premium, presents five quick-hitter interviewing tips that will help you be one step ahead of your competition.
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4: Be positive
No one likes a person who is, by default, negative. This applies not only to how you approach the interview overall but also to how you refer to former employers as well. If you are willing to cut down your former employers, you are going to be willing to cut down your current employer.
Interviewers know that a negative attitude can be like a plague within a company. Be positive. If the interviewer asks why you left your former employer, always put a positive spin on the reason.
Instead of saying, “There was no room for growth in the company,” spin it like this: “I felt as if my skills could be more effectively used in positions that either didn’t exist or were unavailable.”
Improve your job prospects with our five-page PDF. This is available to download for FREE. Get access to more content with a Premium annual subscription. Use the code 25off-trp to get a 25% discount.
TIME SAVED: Crafting this content required 10 hours of dedicated writing, editing, research, and design.
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