Cost of Missing Threat Intel : Lessons from $81mn Bangladesh Bank Cyber Heist

With the fast-paced technological breakthroughs happening one after the other, what are the lessons the past has to offer?

Let’s find out in the upcoming APAC Virtual Cyber Insights session on March 25, 2020 at 1.30 PM Singapore Time (GMT+8), where Stephan Neumeier, Managing Director, Kaspersky APAC, will be sharing key lessons learnt from the US$81mn Bangladesh Bank Cyber Heist.

By looking back, we will identify how to avoid becoming a victim of the notorious cybercriminal group who orchestrated the attack four years ago, but is still showing signs of activity in the APAC region.

What will you gain

  • Learn how Threat Intelligence can benefit you
  • How to avoid becoming a victim
  • Ask your questions to our experts

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