A Forrester Total Economic Impact Study | Akamai Edge Security (Spanish)
A Forrester Total Economic Impact Study | Akamai Edge Security
Forrester recently surveyed 35 Akamai customers to understand the Total Economic Impact (TEI) of our security products and services. Based on their responses, Forrester created a composite customer with $1.5 billion in revenue. This customer, they calculated, experienced risk-adjusted, present value benefits totaling $5,989,705 over three years:
- $1,052,310 Security full-time equivalent savings
- $4,662,847 Revenue protection
- $149,211 Reduced hardware spend
- $125,337 Decommissioning legacy security products
Additionally, Forrester noted unquantified benefits, including improved site performance during an attack, reductions in churn and bounce rates, and improvements in click-through.