Accelerating Service Delivery with IT Automation – Whitepaper
The advent of the digital economy is driving fundamental changes in businesses and their operating models. In this new era, the success of a business increasingly revolves
around an IT organization’s ability to rapidly deliver IT services to support the needs of the business. To do that, IT organizations are looking to automate IT processes to accelerate service delivery. While often overlooked among other IT priorities, automation is required to achieve speed and agility in delivering the IT services that keep a business competitive.
In this white paper, find out how VMware outlines a path for your IT organization to automate IT processes based on the native integration of VMware vRealize® Suite and its automation capabilities of VMware vRealize® Automation™ and network virtualization with VMware NSX®. We explain how you can build out network and security services in the vRealize Automation blueprint designer to deliver a holistic, multi-tier application architecture that supports IT speed and agility with standardized, repeatable, consistent automated processes.