Breaking Down Walls With Digital Technology
The diversity and bureaucratic nature of government agencies have complicated communication for decades. But today digital technologies offer a path to connectivity and information sharing that could help break the gridlock.
From transportation, highways, and public works to healthcare, social, and financial aid agencies, the missions are as varied as the communities they serve. Infrastructure projects can take government employees from crowded downtowns to remote rural settings for site surveys, safety checks or construction work. Before smartphones and mobile computers, much of the feedback from the field was based on the employee’s perception and their best judgment. Some of this information was documented, some were anecdotal and subject to loss or degradation leading to poor decision-making and human errors.
Today, this powerful combination of mobile technologies and field force automation (FFA) tools are already transforming public safety agencies who currently lead the government sector in digital transformation initiatives. Now it’s time for all state and federal agencies to re-architect themselves: to break down information silos, streamline processes, and cut costs by leveraging the latest mobile devices and technologies, now field-tested by public safety. This document is designed to help ensure that your mobile device platform selection and processes provide the power, reliability, and flexibility you need to achieve your mission — in the office, in the field, or ten flights up in the air.
Featuring Intel® Core™ i7 vPro™
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