CSO Review from IDG – How Aqua secures containers from development to production

This is an independent product review researched and written by John Breeden II an award-winning journalist and reviewer with over 20 years of experience covering technology.

The Aqua Cloud Native Security Platform secures individual containers from the time they are first developed all the way though when they land in a production environment. It uses an inherent advantage of containers, the fact that they are always highly specialized for their jobs, to create a cybersecurity structure based on whitelisting.

The platform is embedded into the development process for containers, and can work with just about any platform, including Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker, Red Hat Openshift, Mesosphere and others.

Read the full review that explains how the Aqua Cloud Native Security Platform is able to enforce security policies while containers are being created, preventing any insecure or risky code from creeping into containers in the first place.

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Aqua Security