Research: Digital Transformation 2017: Strategy, Returns on Investment, and Challenges
A few months ago, TechRepublic Premium surveyed IT leaders about digital transformation in their organizations. Only 20% said they had a comprehensive digital transformation strategy in place, but this doesn’t mean digital transformation hasn’t been happening.
Report author Mary Shacklett points out that, “What in fact has been happening is a democratization of digital transformation initiatives, with the technology being inserted at points within the business where there are immediate needs for it.” Almost all survey respondents (96%) said some steps toward a digital transformation have been taken in their organization, despite the fact that the majority don’t have an overarching strategy.
The push toward digital transformation isn’t just coming from IT. Sixty-seven percent of respondents said business leaders outside of IT were asking for a digital transformation. However, 63% said IT leaders would be the ultimate owner of any transformation that might occur. This could present challenges, especially with regards to funding. “Respondents reported that their senior managements were highly enthusiastic about digital transformation, but the budget dollars to match that enthusiasm weren’t always there,” Shacklett said in the report.
In the survey, respondents were also asked about future steps toward digital transformation, what digital transformation technologies had the best, and worst, returns on investment, and what roadblocks to digital transformation exist in their organizations. This report contains findings from those questions, and analysis of those findings. To learn more, download the report: Digital Transformation 2017: Strategy, Returns on Investment, and Challenges
To find out more about digital transformation in the enterprise, see this ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature.
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