Getting started with Julia: A list of resources (free PDF)
If you’re getting ready to jump on the Julia bandwagon—or if you already have–check out this list of books, courses, tutorials, videos, tools, and websites. It covers beginner topics as well as more advanced concepts to help you enhance your Julia programming skills.
From the list:
The Julia programming language is becoming increasingly popular, with more than 3 million downloads as of January 2019. The programming language is designed to have it all—the speed of C, the dynamism of Ruby, true macros like Lisp, mathematically power like MATLAB, the usability of Python, ease of statistical use like R, and the ability to perform string processing like Perl.
The general-purpose language is designed for speed, efficiency, and high performance. It is dynamically and optionally typed, has a rich language of descriptive datatypes, is open source with all source code available for public view on GitHub, and uses high-level syntax, making it ideal for programmers from any background or experience level.
Additionally, Julia can easily express many object-oriented and functional programming patterns, and its standard library provides asynchronous I/O, process control, logging profiling, and a package manager, among other things.
If you’re interested in learning more about Julia, the following list of resources can help you get started.
Data Science with Julia: This book is useful as an introduction to data science using Julia and for data scientists seeking to expand their skill set. It discusses core concepts, how to optimize the language for performance, and important topics in data science, like supervised and unsupervised learning. It’s intended for graduate students and practicing data scientists who want to learn Julia. Though no previous programming experience is required, this book provides a smooth transition for those who are already familiar with R.
Learning Julia: Build High-Performance Applications For Scientific Computing: This is a comprehensive overview of Julia, from syntax basics to writing effective functions, reducing code redundancies, learning built-in object types, and much more. With a step-by-step approach, the authors explain concepts and illustrate how to use the programming language through examples.