How to Fix the Hole in Your Enterprise Security Strategy

The challenges that IT security professionals face grow more complex daily: Cyberthreats are sophisticated and ever-evolving, the workforce is varied and mobile, and access to the corporate network must be customized and efficient.

Businesses are moving toward a Zero Trust security model to meet these demands. An integral component of zero trust is deploying a layered enterprise security strategy, which relies upon multiple levels of defense to safeguard against threats, instead of a single tier of protection.

However, many companies that have adopted a layered security strategy still fail to protect their Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure, a critical Internet protocol that was never designed with security in mind.

Read this white paper to learn why integrating a DNS-based solution with layered enterprise and zero trust security strategies is your best defense. We’ll examine:

  • The nuances of layered enterprise security
  • The critical reasons why DNS should be monitored and protected
  • Why three popular security solutions benefit from DNS-based security
  • A common enterprise security configuration
  • The capabilities and threat intelligence that a DNS-based security solution should possess
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