IDC: Deploying Flexible Data Protection to Support Cloud Workload Placement
Although cloud computing is the current focus of organizations, large-scale enterprises (and even many smaller enterprises) must deal with a necessary mix of workload deployments, including on-premises, cloud-native, and SaaS in the cloud, plus edge workloads such as remote office/branch office and Internet of Things (IoT) and endpoint devices.
In some cases, data that is derived at the edge through analytics must be replicated (i.e., from edge cloud to public cloud or private cloud), while in other cases, data is stored where it is (at the edge) or moved to an archive. These diverse workload deployment models result in data being scattered geographically across repositories and data types.
Our research bears out this concern among IT organizations. When we asked respondents to tell us which technologies were most desirable for modernizing infrastructure, the top 2 responses were cybersecurity capabilities (62.9%) and cloud-based data protection capabilities for cloud-based workloads (54%).
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