Make Your Cloud Infrastructure Profitable With A Hybrid Approach eBook

In this eBook we look at some of the considerations Ops – and especially the newly-minted DevOps – teams must keep in mind as they integrate public cloud services into their hybrid cloud environments.

Chapters include: 

• The problem lurking inside your hybrid IT strategy
• SaaS comes at you fast
• 10 ways to make outage mitigation fun
• Cloud capabilities turn developers into operational experts
• Self-sourced data won’t get you where you want to go
• Metrics that beat Murphy’s law
• Cloud-first + DevOps-first = 81% competitive advantage
• Optimizing for resources and consumers alike

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This is your go-to resource for the latest news and tips on the following topics and more, XaaS, AWS, Microsoft Azure, DevOps, virtualization, the hybrid cloud, and cloud security. Delivered Mondays and Wednesdays

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