Man-in-the-middle attacks: An insider’s guide (free PDF)

Although you can’t be completely secure from a man-in-the-middle attack, you can arm yourself with knowledge of the risks and stay vigilant to reduce the threat. This ebook explains how MITM attacks work and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

From the ebook:

Eavesdropping, fraud, and message interception are crimes as old as communication itself. Everything but the information contained in our brains is accessible to other people, and not all those people have your best intentions in mind.

Intercepting and altering communication has happened for centuries, and the advent of the internet made it easier than ever for criminals to inject their interests into private transmissions. These nefarious acts are called man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. This type of cybercrime is common, potent, and devastating.

Here’s what you need to know about MITM attacks, including how to defend yourself and your organization against them.

What are man-in-the-middle attacks?
The concept behind a man-in-the-middle attack is simple: intercept traffic coming from one computer and send it to the original recipient without their knowing someone has read, and potentially altered, their traffic.

MITM attacks enable their perpetrator to do things like insert their own cryptocurrency wallet to steal funds, redirect a browser to a malicious website, or passively steal information to be used in later cybercrimes.

Any time a third party intercepts internet traffic, it can be called a MITM attack, and without proper authentication it’s incredibly easy for an attacker to do. Public Wi-Fi networks, for example, are a common source of MITM attacks because neither the router nor a connected computer verifies its identity.

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