New Metric for HWMP Protocol (NMH)

The IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) is a new multi-hop technology increasing the coverage of IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network and providing Internet access. Recently, many researchers proposed several metric routing protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). Some metrics consider the interferences and other study the channel diversity of the distant links along the path between the source and the destination. In order to provide the best path between the source and the destination, this paper proposes a new routing metric named (NMH) New Metric for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol(HWMP). NMH is based on two hop channel diversity and hop delay. The simulation results show that NMH outperforms WCETT in terms of average network throughput, end-to-end delay and number of flows.

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Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center