SASE-ready Architecture with Netskope Security Cloud and Your Existing Security Infrastructure

With the inversion of the traditional network, where users, data, and apps are now on the outside, traditional approaches to security fall short. At most enterprise organizations, the cyber security infrastructure grew organically, resulting in a potpourri of security tools rather than a cohesive security architecture. Legacy security solutions, typically located in the data center, are costly and complex, and can be bypassed by remote workers connecting directly to the internet. Remote access VPNs provide crude network-level access and cannot effectively provide access to specific applications hosted in public cloud environments.

A collaborative and coordinated approach is the key to stopping today’s breaches. Moving forward, any enterprise using the cloud needs to quickly modernize and extend its security architecture. By seeking solutions with open architectures and partner ecosystems with ample third-party integrations, organizations can enhance their security tools and capabilities to better detect, investigate, and respond to security threats and data loss faster and more efficiently.

This white paper highlights how you can integrate the Netskope Security Cloud with your existing security tools to provide a safer, more scalable and less complex infrastructure that meets and exceeds security demands in a cloud-first world.

About Netskope®

The Netskope security cloud provides unrivaled visibility and real-time data and threat protection when accessing cloud services, websites, and private apps from anywhere, on any device. Only Netskope understands the cloud and takes a data-centric approach that empowers security teams with the right balance of protection and speed they need to secure their digital transformation journey.

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