Six ways to remove blank rows from an Excel worksheet (free PDF)

Blank rows can find their way into your worksheets through various means—but no matter how they get there, it’s a good idea to get rid of them. This ebook walks through five manual techniques for deleting blank rows and then winds up with a macro-based approach.

From the ebook:

Blank rows are easy to acquire—whether you’re importing data from a foreign source or introducing them yourself during the input process. Regardless of how you end up with them, it’s best to rid a data set of blank rows. Excel uses blanks to determine ranges, so its selection-based features won’t work as expected if there are blank rows anywhere in your data set. In this article, I’ll show you five easy ways to delete blank rows—and one macro solution.

Before we go any further, I have a warning: When deleting entire rows, be careful. There might be data off the screen that you don’t see. Deleting an empty row in your data set will also delete out-of-sight data in that row.

I’m using Excel 2016 (desktop) on a Windows 10 64-bit system. The Get & Transform Data tip is available only in Excel 2016. If you’re using an earlier version, run a quick search on Power Query Add-in. The other tips will work in earlier versions of Excel. None of these tips works in the browser version. You can try these techniques on your own data or download the demonstration .xls and .xlsx files.

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