The dZone Guide to Microservices

DZone’s 2017 Microservices survey saw more than half of
respondents claiming to be using microservices now: 27%
of respondents said they use microservices in development
environments, and 26% said they are using microservices
in at least some of their applications in a production
environment. Another 36% of respondents have not used
microservices in any of their applications yet, but are
interested in trying a microservices architecture. Only 10%
of respondents said they have no interest in experimenting
with microservices at all, and less than 1% of respondents
said they have tried switching to microservices architecture
in the past, but decided it wasn’t for them.

Of the 53% of respondents who currently use microservices
in one capacity or another, 81% said that using microservices
architectures has made their job easier. And of all survey
respondents, 75% said they believe that the excitement
surrounding microservices in the current developer landscape
is warranted–though interestingly, this sentiment is held
slightly more amongst respondents interested but not currently
using microservices (80%) than in the subset of respondents
using microservices in production (76%) or in development
(71%). Regardless, it seems that a large majority of devs are
preparing (or have already prepared) to escape the monolith
and see what it’s like on the microservices bandwagon.

This whitepaper from IBM will show you the ins and outs of microservices. Download here to learn more.

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