Three reasons to consider converged infrastructure for your organisation (French)
Converged infrastructure isn’t just a passing trend. It’s here to stay. According to a recent survey from the Enterprise Strategy Group 1, the top three considerations in IT investments are improved security and risk management, return on investment, and business process improvement.
Converged infrastructure reduces risk and accelerates deployments for data centre solutions. These benefits are essential to managing costs and gaining agility in a multi-cloud world.
Many major industry players also use converged infrastructure to support their IT-as-a-service (ITaaS) operating models. What’s behind this continuing popularity? Ask any group of IT operations managers.
They will report that the hefty price tag of infrastructure management drops dramatically with a move to a more simplified IT system such as a converged infrastructure. Also, by using a tested and validated design, organisations can achieve massive performance gains while avoiding the deployment challenges typically associated with a hardware refresh.