UltraReputation: Reducing Online Fraud and Risk

Online enterprises face an overwhelming tide of online fraud and other threats. Even as card-present fraud in the U.S. fell by more than 50% from 2015 to 2018, card-not-present (CNP) fraud ballooned by more than 100%, and is now responsible for more than 3x the losses of card-present fraud. Bot traffic accounted for almost 40% of all online traffic on the Internet in 2018, and the majority of it is malicious.

As the costs of online fraud continue to rise, along with the volume, sophistication and ingenuity of the attacks, IT security teams have responded with a range of tools and techniques to curb fraud. Many of these tools are specifically aimed at establishing whether traffic is a risk or a potentially rewarding customer – that is, whether it represents a real user or is originating from a bot or server.

This white paper describes the information and insight sharing that UltraReputation can provide your business, as well as the data at its foundation. It also details how you can leverage it to support your efforts in the following areas:

  • Registration and Authentication Fraud Prevention
  • Online Transaction Fraud Prevention
  • Active Threat Prevention
  • Click Fraud and Ad Fraud Prevention

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