The Treonauts have posted a piece on the recently released screenshots of the ACCESS Linux Platform (ALP) unveiled in time for the LinuxWorld conference in San Francisco.
According to them, a Treo running this new OS is anticipated at the beginning of 2008. As it is, the screenshots help give a pretty good idea as to what Palm’s next generation operating system might look like.
Excerpt from the article:
While all of this is undoubtedly great news, I personally still feel that Palm will have to address (arguably urgently) not only the challenge of a new operating system implementation but also to make significant changes to its hardware, software, services and content strategies – all of which have been in serious decline over the past year and a half.
The bold emphasis above is mine. I totally agree with the fact that nothing new has come out of Palm for a while now. In Singapore where I live, Palm does not appear to be taking it lying down but has gone into a marketing blitz.
Yet nothing significant has been released — the offer on devices remains the same for every sale, albeit with slightly lowered prices each time. The Palm that made the “palmtop” is in very real danger of dying.
It seemed yesterday that I opened the wrapping on an original Palm Pilot as a high school student. Other than it being cool and all, it proved its worth with this gal I wanted to know better.
I managed to secure my opening on the pretext of allowing her to play games on it. Well, guess what? She turned out to be my wife years later, and I’ve never had to install another game on my PDA since.
Anyway, enough of being maudlin — feast your eyes on the montage of screenshots with accompanying comments at New ALP Screenshots.
For more information, you can visit the official ACCESS Linux Platform Web site.
Why not tell us about your own love affair with your “palmtop.”