A drawing of a python developer.
Image: StackCommerce

Whether you need to develop valuable tech skills for your own business or become a globe-roaming digital nomad, you can begin training now with self-paced courses in The 2022 Premium Computer Science Career Path Certification Bundle. Now is the perfect time to start, because the bundle is currently on sale for just $39.99.

Annual salaries for entry-level Python programmers average over $80,000, and Python is so easy to learn that the PCEP: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification Prep Course in this online training bundle can help you pass the PCEP-30-01 and PCAP-31 exams after a week, allowing you to become a certified entry-level Python programmer.

Java is also easy to learn, and the Java: A Complete Tutorial from ZERO to JDBC training is a student favorite. Novices could also choose to start with Javascript from Scratch: The Ultimate Beginners Course or Raspberry Pi For Beginners – Complete Course, which helps students develop their skills with fun projects.

However, this bundle has much more than just coding courses. Cloud computing skills are valuable too, and tech professionals with just a year of Google Cloud experience can go straight to GCP: Complete Google Data Engineer & Cloud Architect Guide.

If you wish to develop data skills, then From 0 to 1: Heavy Lifting with SQL & Databases will help you move on from spreadsheets to databases. You can also learn how to deal with continuous data by practicing on live streams in Learn By Example: Spark Streaming 2.x.

Since you’ll have lifetime access to the courses, you don’t have to rush to finish any of them. Acquire the skills you need to start or advance in a lucrative tech career in the New Year; get The 2022 Premium Computer Science Career Path Certification Bundle while it’s on sale for just $39.99.

Prices and availability are subject to change.

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