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  • #2254059

    I need a help with sql nested sub query please.


    by alex789 ·

    I can create this view;

    CREATE VIEW view1 AS
    SELECT p.bedno, p.refno, p.surename
    FROM patient p
    WHERE p.bedno =
    (SELECT bedno
    FROM bed
    WHERE bedstatus = ‘USED’);

    But when I “SELECT * FROM view1″, I get this error message it says ” ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row”.
    I need count “bedstatus”, help me please.
    Thank you

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    • #2528231


      by alex789 ·

      In reply to I need a help with sql nested sub query please.


    • #2527414

      Two options

      by tony hopkinson ·

      In reply to I need a help with sql nested sub query please.

      if you want to stick with the subquery
      where p.bedno IN (select…)

      You are getting the error because you have more than one used bed and the logic of teh command says your outer query has to used all of them

      you could also change it to a correlated subquery.

      SELECT p.bedno, p.refno, p.surename
      FROM patient p
      WHERE p.bedno =
      (SELECT bedno
      FROM bed
      WHERE bedstatus = ‘USED’ and bed.bedno = p.bedno);

      assuming of course bed no is unique

      A join would be much better though

      SELECT p.bedno, p.refno, p.surename
      FROM patient p bed b
      WHERE p.bedno = b.bedno
      and bedstatus = ‘USED;

    • #2527612

      Try this

      by awheeler_01 ·

      In reply to I need a help with sql nested sub query please.

      CREATE VIEW view1 AS
      SELECT p.bedno, p.refno, p.surename
      FROM patient p
      WHERE p.bedno in
      (SELECT bedno
      FROM bed
      WHERE bedstatus = ‘USED’);

      Also try running the query before you create the view.

    • #2598302

      use IN operator instead of ‘=’

      by reachyouvenkat02 ·

      In reply to I need a help with sql nested sub query please.

      As ur subquery returns two rows,then ur checking those two rows with bedno column of patient table using ‘=’, which checks only one value at a use IN operator instead of ‘=’. The IN operator will checks multiple values at a time.

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