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  • #3937478

    Have I been hacked?

    by mjd1978 ·

    Thanx in advance to any who respond.
    Ok so I have a TCL T.V. and yesterday; I got home and turned it on and turned on YouTube I noticed that a completely different user was logged in as the active user on the YouTube app of my T.V.

    I live alone, and nobody has access to my T.V. when I am not home, but I do use the free Shaw WiFi that is provided to residents here.

    When I asked my landlord, the name on the account that was logged onto my T.V. was that of another one of the tenants here.

    My question is; has someone hacked into my T.V. or is this a normal thing for people who share an internet source?

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    • #3939531
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      My guess

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Have I been hacked?

      Even if you have shared internet access, you likely have a unique user name and password. Change your password to something more unique and should prevent any potential issues in the future. TV’s rarely have any significant storage capacity and are not as vulnerable to attack as a laptop or desktop computer. Take the precaution that I suggested and it should solve that issue.

    • #3939528
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      Actually this is a thing.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Have I been hacked?

      My son’s “smart TV” lets me, without permission play a YouTube video on his TV. He hates it when I play on it.

      There’s nothing nefarious or hacking going on. It’s just another example of poor security design.

    • #3939500

      Have I been hacked?

      by impressionville ·

      In reply to Have I been hacked?

      The clearest sign that you’ve been hacked is when something has changed. You might not be able to access your Google account using your regular username and password or there may have been suspicious purchases charged to one of your bank accounts.

    • #3966305

      Reply To: Have I been hacked?

      by apkgoro ·

      In reply to Have I been hacked?

      Now a days MOD APK are very trending, most of the users love to use mod apk instead of purchasing the app paid version. So please scan the app before installing to your phone. Sometimes they access all permission itself and the hacker hack all the accounts.

      I am using MOD APK but download it from APKGORO and it is 1000 % Safe and secure to install.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by apkgoro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by apkgoro.
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